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A dynamic idea for a warm-up. This is also for people who are not in the field of acrobatics, dance and improvisation.


You can find two longer versions here:

a) Improvisational Warm-Up 1

b) Improvisational warm-up 2

A challenging partner warm-up that is fun.

A partner warm-up that challenges and brings fun.

An idea to focus and warm up the spine and lower body.

A beautiful lower body sequence consisting of different Kung Fu stalls. Warms up both the mind and the body.


Check out Shehzad's website here .

This routine requires a little knowledge of our practice and in some parts it is very difficult to coordinate.

A great mobilizing and stabilizing warm-up routine for the shoulder.

A warm-up sequence for the lower body that covers different directions of movement, joint positions and angles.

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